I have seen a lot of interesting research and discussion lately on the issue of movement variability. The ability to make small adjustments to a basic repetitive pattern like heart rate, brain waves, energy use and movement seems to be a good indicator of health and function.
Read MoreMoshe Feldenkrais said that to "correct is incorrect." He was referring to efforts to correct someone's movement patterns. Which is kind of a strange thing to say for a guy whose method was largely about making people's movement more efficient. What did he mean and what does this say about efforts to correct movement? I think his message is that it is preferable to show clients different options or choices for how to move, than to tell them their current movements are wrong and require correction.
Read MoreThe other morning I was taking a walk with my one year old daughter strapped to my chest. She was facing me and I had my hands around her low back.
When she is not fast asleep she likes to look around to check out what’s going on in the hood. One of the things I have noticed about babies is that a huge percentage of their movements in the first year . . .
A few weeks ago I posted a twenty five minute audio lesson on improving the squat. Below is a link to volume two. If you haven’t done volume one already, I would highly recommend that you do that before moving to volume two. On the other hand, I think I saw Godfather Two before the first one, and the results were excellent.