Explore the Many Dimensions of Performance and Health

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“Hargrove's insight and crystal-clear writing lead the reader on an informative and enjoyable journey. Playing with Movement weaves together a broad swath of research related to optimizing perfomance and reducing pain.”

-Stephan J. Guyenet, PhD, author of The Hungry Brain

"Todd Hargrove has done it again. Taking a complicated and diverse body of knowledge and making it interesting, topical and useful. Consider this book your personal FAQ resource on how to move better and feel better.

- Dr. Greg Lehman, Author of Recovery Strategies, Your Pain Recovery Guidebook.


“Hargrove's insight and crystal-clear writing lead the reader on an informative and enjoyable journey. Playing with Movement weaves together a broad swath of research related to optimizing perfomance and reducing pain.” 

-Stephan J. Guyenet, PhD, author of The Hungry Brain

"Todd Hargrove has done it again. Taking a complicated and diverse body of knowledge and making it interesting, topical and useful.  Consider this book your personal FAQ resource on how to move better and feel better.

- Dr. Greg Lehman, Author of Recovery Strategies, Your Pain Recovery Guidebook.

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Our Practice

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